Saturday, September 5, 2009

A pause for an explanation

Before going on to chapter 11 it is necessary explain some things about how to understand Revelation. It is a chronological book, but not as in a through-reading of the book from chapter one to the end. In other words, there are pauses in the narrative to go back and fill in details. There are some places where you have to go back to the beginning, or at least some designated starting point, and put in the details that were left out the first time around. They will be happening simultaneously within the overview that has been covered so far. In understanding the chronology of Revelation, one has to understand how God teaches. As a person with a teaching degree, I have taught a lot of children over the years. There is one thing about teaching children, actually about teaching anybody, that is crucial to being understood and having as little confusion as possible. That is to keep on topic and finish a complete thought. You should not go off on tangents or try to insert things that are not in the same thought process. For instance, children have to learn arithmetic, history, geography and English. You would not teach a child these subjects in the following way. "To multiply by a two digit number, you first multiply by the ones column, then George Washington became our first president. He was a surveyor in his youth and surveyed America which has 48 contiguous states with the other two being separated by commas when you list them in a group listing." If you were to try to cover the subjects in this manner, nothing would be learned. You have to finish math, then teach the history lesson, then the geography lesson, then the English lesson. Even if all of them were basically covering the same subject. To do otherwise causes total confusion and nothing is learned. It would simply be a mish-mash of information that is nonsensical.

Well, we are students of God's Word and He naturally will teach us in the best and most comprehensible way. He finishes a train of thought before stopping for every detail or moving on to the next thought. To illustrate what I mean, I was amazed some years ago when on a PBS show on the book of Genesis, I heard a group of non-Christian scholars (well that's debatable (the scholars part, it was obvious from their comments that they were not Christians)) try to explain the creation story. I could not believe my ears when I heard them say that there were two creation stories in the first couple of chapters of Genesis. I had no idea about what they were speaking. Read the story to any child and they will immediately understand that God first gives the history of the creation days - one through seven - and then goes back and gives the history of man on day six. While they happen at the same time (on day six), the two are two different histories. One is of the planet. One is of man. God completed the one thought before moving on to the next. This is a teaching technique that avoids confusion. It is also a the technique a journalist uses. They give the basic information, then they go back and fill in the details. God is a good teacher (or a good journalist). He does this a lot through scripture. Jesus never tried to explain the parables as he was telling them. He did so after. He finished the topic or thought first. Then he went back and explained. As seen above, trying to insert information that may be relevant and may be running in the same timeline does not necessarily make for better understanding. It can create total chaos and confusion.

Here we see that we have reached the end of the 3 1/2 years or as we went over when studying the Second Coming in Luke, forty-two months from the time of the abomination of desolation until antichrist's reign ends. We shall shortly see that this time is also 1260 days. If God did not give us this number of days, we could still arrive at that number by multiplying forty-two by thirty, which is the prophetic number of days per month. From this point at the end of this time frame, God's wrath will be carried out.

We have been given the history of the seals. God did not stop to insert every little thing that was going on to other people or places during the course of the events, as this would have broken the train of thought and continuity. Other things are running their course simultaneously, though. We have to find out what is happening to Israel. We have to find out about antichrist. There are two men called the witnesses that have a history line. There is a whole story about Babylon to be covered. All of these things are running simultaneously, and we will see that all of these things come to some sort of conclusion at the end of the forty-two months. The time of Jacob's trouble will be over at that time. Israel's history is going to change from that point on. While having so far used the term Jacob's trouble and the tribulation interchangeably, that is not truly the case. As said before, one has to teach things in a way that does not cause confusion, so I did not try to teach this before now. While starting at the tribulation, Jacob's trouble does not end when it does. It continues until the forty-two months are over. It is when they see Him whom they have pierced, that Israel comes to salvation. Rev. 1:7, Zech. 12:10. That will not be until the three and half years or forty-two months are finished, and Christ returns to pour out God's wrath. God may have sealed the 144,000 for protection, but the rest of Israel will feel the wrath of Satan through his ugly minions just as the rest of the unbelieving world will. Antichrist, the witnesses, Babylon - each one will have its history covered as a separate topic, just as school subjects are taught.

A way of picturing this is to think of a guitar. It has six strings which run next to each other from the tuning pegs down to the bridge. They all end at the bridge. They run alongside each other, but they do not overlap in each other's way as that would be confusing. Yet they are played together at the same time. Such is how God is presenting this information. He began with string one, the seals. He has completed that part of it up to the bridge, or end of the 3 1/2 years (42 months, 1260 days) where Satan's reign ends. Then He goes back up to the tuning pegs to string two, the witnesses, and covers their history up to the bridge, or end of the forty-two months. He then covers the third string, Israel's history, Christ's birth and death, and Satan's war on God and mankind up to the bridge or forty-two months. Then it is antichrist, as his history of power ends at the end of the forty-two months. He saves Babylon's history until after the bowl judgments are done, as Babylon has two judgments upon it. One is the wrath of antichrist, and the second is the wrath of God. The final judgment coming at the end of the 1290 days according to Daniel. He brings everything up to the bridge, because from the bridge on, there is really only one string running, and that is His wrath. Everybody will fall into that string. That is why he did not allow John to write down what the angel and seven thunders said, and told him that he had to prophesy again first. He does not want to present the information in the little book, which is His wrath, until all of the other strings are brought up to the bridge. Once everyone is caught up, he can go back and finish the seventh trumpet judgment. That is why there are several chapters of information between the sixth and seventh trumpets. It is a change of venue. This way of teaching is a good technique that avoids confusion. The book of Revelation is confusing enough to people without making it more so. God is trying to make it as intelligible as possible for us. The problem seems to be that people do not understand this teaching technique. I have heard all sorts of timelines given for the events in this book. Some that say that the seals, trumpets, and bowls all run simultaneously. That clearly shows a lack of understanding of this book. They follow one another as we have clearly seen. It would seem that they even precipitate the next one in line many times. People cannot seem to see how simply he has outlined it. In fact, outline is a good word. If this book were put in an outline, it would look something like this. (I am doing a condensed and incomplete example).

I. Introduction
II. Letters to churches
A. Ephesus
B. Smyrna
C. etc.
III Presentation of the Lamb
IV. History and opening of the Seals
A. #1 False christs
B. # 2 War
C. etc.
V. Interlude
A. Sealing of 144,000
B. Arrival of martyred tribulation saints
VI. History and opening of Seventh Seal
A. Hail and fire
B. Etc.
VII. Christ claims possession of earth and pronounces judgment
VIII. History of two witnesses
IX. History of Israel, Christ, and Satan's war
X. History of Antichrist , etc.

Because it is given in this way, he does make connections between the strings using certain events or references, so that we can figure out how the timelines run together. As will be seen, the first, second, and third woe are the connections between the seals and the witnesses. All of this will fit together and become clear as we proceed.


  1. I cannot even tell you just how much I have enjoyed working my way through this end times are an absolute godsend! This particular blog entry has cleared up major confusion for me in regards to Revelation.
    Thank you so very much for all of your are very much appreciated. PTL! :)

    1. Thank you so much. Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads what I have written, as I rarely get any feedback. I'm so glad you are finding it helpful. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you have them.

    2. I have gone through most of the conundrum entries and of course started from genesis here and have decided to start Revelation again from the beginning with this particular blog entry in mind. Revelation has always been one giant jumble for me.. I do feel a little more comfy asking questions now, so I may do so as I work my way through :) Thank you!

    3. Understanding God's Word is a constant growing thing, so it may be as you go along you will find in later posts that I have discovered something I missed or didn't know the first time around and have altered somewhat the whole truth about something. I do the best I can, but I am not infallible. So if you see something you question or challenge, let me know. We'll work through it to find the truth.

    4. I was quite struck when I read that you had asked God for THE TRUTH..even if it hurt. I also did this a few years back and have recently renewed my plea (begged, receive more. I was then led to return to your blog after being away from it for a few years, The truth is quite difficult..but necessary to keep progressing. A few years back now I discovered that the rapture was NOT where I had been told it was.. I started looking for myself and found something quite the opposite from what I had been "taught" and soon after that.. I happened upon your blog :) I was completely gutted and wondered just how much I had accepted as "Truth" that was more geared to itching ears. I so appreciate that you rely on the scriptures to prove the scriptures.. It is beyond refreshing!

  2. It's more than refreshing to find someone else who wants the truth no matter what. It's just what I needed right now, to know someone else wants truth. I feel like I have been shouting at everyone I know to wake up, and realize that they aren't going to be out of here to escape it all, but everything I say falls on deaf ears. I have tried numerous times to have a Bible study on this, but inevitably everyone drops out after a few sessions, because it is just to hard for them to handle. It does gut you. That is a great way to describe it, because that is exactly what it did to me too. So much of what I had been taught was not based in Scripture. It was hard and extremely painful. I don't know if you have read the Chronicles of Narnia,but it reminds me of the character of Eustace who was turned into a dragon, because he was so selfish and greedy, and to turn him back into a boy, Aslan had to literally tear the dragon skin off his back. But it was the only way. That is how it is when you finally learn God's truth after being brought up on lies. It is painful, but after it is over, you are set free. As it says, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Stay in touch.

    1. The truth no matter what..Amen It has been difficult the last few years as I have not found even one person who will listen. I am now considered to be quite the dark horse in my family and the ol' "you will be left behind" comeback seems to come my way as well as "it's like you want to go through this?" comment ;) It is so painful to know that they will be so shell shocked and possibly fall away when things do not go according to how they WISH things to go. I am doing my best (and feel led..) to study up to help those that will need AND be willing to hear the hard truthful answers when we are in the throes of it. I have much to do but continuing on.. :) As for Narnia..I am indeed a Narnia gal and have cried at Eustace's plight, but ohhhh the transformation!!! It is so worth it! Blessings.

    2. I can totally relate to what you said. I am a dark horse among all the Christians I know. Some accept me as being "deceived" or "wrong", but they tolerate me. lol Some just feel that I am questionable as being a Christian. And I also am told that I will be left behind because I'm looking for the antichrist and not Christ, and the sad part of that is... they seem to be gleeful to tell me so. As if I deserve it and they are superior and part of an elect group that I am not privy to, because I refuse to accept "the truth". In their eyes I have asked for it. I feel sad for them. Many will fall away. What you (and I) are doing is what I think Daniel speaks of when it says "And they that understand among the people shall instruct many.......... And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." Keep persevering. In the end we will be the ones helping them, for it will be too late for them to study all this. Like the parable of the 5 virgins. How is it that they miss the fact that all were virgins, and the ones who got into the wedding were the ones who expected to have to get through the long wait so brought the oil. Not the ones who expected him to come early and therefore weren't prepared.

  3. I am so far behind, but am ever so thankful to have found your blog. I cannot imagine how the people who find out the hard truth later will possible even cope having to learn so much in such a short period of time.. let alone in the midst of all that will be going on. I am just beginning to understand these things and I have already shed more tears than I can possibly count (and still do)and have dealt with (dealing with..) fear and everything else that comes with learning the reality of the situation. They will have to do this lickety split.. I pray for them and also that I may be ready for those who will need Him more than ever. It will be quite the job in cleaning me up for service..but He is faithful and hi ho hi ho..on I go :)

    1. God is still trying to clean me up. I feel so unworthy of the great gift He has given me of the truth, and the responsibility to share it is a heavy burden. I think about what He said to the Philadephians, that they have an open door, but they have little strength. I never understood that until I realized how nobody wants to hear the truth. We have such an open door. In America we are free (so far) to speak about all this and have the internet as well. We couldn't ask for a more open door, but we are weak in that nobody cares about the truth, including most Christians. Even those who initially had an interest and don't necessarily buy into a pre-trib rapture have found the truth too difficult to bear, so don't study it in depth. The irony is, there is a path of escape that is outlined in Scripture, but if you don't study, you won't find it. God said, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." He wasn't kidding.

  4. I have also been under a heavy burden..tho quite different than yours. It was that I am not good enough or knowledgeable enough to handle such a job.. and quite honestly, I am not (at the moment, anyways). Such fear overtook me that I was a disappointment to God and that I had failed Him and there was not enough time for me to catch up, but I know where that came from.. Then had a dream a few weeks back and saw myself on a bike etc..laid it out that I am still in training and that there is enough time. I shall continue on as far as I can go and when I can go no further..fully expecting Him to pick up the slack :)

    1. There is still time. You will have all you need when the time arrives. Trust Him. His timing is perfect. As for good enough or knowledgeable enough, we are not good in our own right. So we just strive our best to walk with Him. His righteousness carries us. As for knowledge,remember what He said, "For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence." You, like me, are merely the vessel, the tool He uses. The power is His.

    2. I mentioned that scripture to my husband the other day.. I figure God must know what He is I am going with it :) All the glory to Him!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. So that you don't feel inadequate, I started studying this when I was about 14, because my parents were really into it. It started with a week long prophecy conference at church (pre-trib version) and my father especially, accumulated books, tapes, whatever he could get his hands on, and I read it and listened to it all. It took until I was in my early 30's before I really recognized that there were major flaws in that version, because I kept coming across Scriptures that didn't line up. That's when I decided that truth was more important. Like you, it was a painful experience. I'm almost 66 now, so as you see I have been at it a very long time. So don't get discouraged. The older we get the harder it is to learn. It takes a great deal of time to get it in your head how things work. I have a friend who studied this with me in my Bible study 30 years ago, and I just sent her a paper timeline the other day, because she still can't get the order of things and how they fall in the timeline straight in her head. She's an artist, so she has to have visuals. I could email you the synopsis. It's l2 pages long with a couple of charts and explanations and Scripture and yet it is the most general of overviews. There is just SO much involved that I couldn't write into it. But it could give you a place to start and you could then create your own timeline and add stuff as you go so that you could see it laid out. I don't know though if your computer would be compatible with the word processing program I use so don't know if it would open for you so you could print it out. I would also need your email to do that. Or if you give me your address (I would delete both your email and address from here after you sent it so nobody else would get it), I could run off a copy and snail mail it to you. I found that visuals and lists help me (and others) a lot. I use them in my Bible studies. Let me know what you decide.

  5. Here in Canada.. same type of thing is happening and for the most part people just don't seem to care. It seems to be more like, "if I put my head in the sand then this will not happen" and then go merrily along their way. It is painful to watch..

    1. I learned long ago that my job is to share the truth, but God explained that it is not my job to make them believe it. You wish you could help them so that they are more prepared, but that is in God's hands. I hate to say that you have to harden your heart a little, but I found that I spent all my time crying if I didn't. You have to focus on, like the hymn says, "When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be" and put the temporal aside. As long as people get to heaven, that is the main goal. What they have to go through to get there is God's decision.

  6. Very sound advice.. I shall think on that.
